Tuesday, December 31, 2013


In this Article, I am going to discuss about RIGHTS of a USER in Composite.
Many people often get confused between RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES in Composite. This article should give you a clear picture of RIGHTS in Composite.

As of Composite 6.2 there are 10 different RIGHTS that can be assigned to a USER or a GROUP in Composite. Composite RIGHTS are assigned to GROUPS and USERS to perform actions with the Composite Information Server. Rights determine which parts of Composite each user can access and use.
Rights enable display and modification of server configurations.

It is always advised to create GROUPS, add USERS to the GROUPS and then assign RIGHTS to the created GROUPS. Users who are members of groups inherit all rights assigned to those groups.




As the name itself suggests, a USER or a GROUP having this privilege will have access to COMPOSITE tools. Without this RIGHT, the user can only use JDBC, ODBC and Web Services to access the server and underlying native sources. All Composite tools require this RIGHT. End-Users are denied this RIGHT because they are usually interested in Data rather than the implementation details.

Composite has many configuration settings like Web Services Interface setting, Studio Data setting, Data Source settings and so in. A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can view all the CONFIG settings in Composite.

A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can view and modify all the CONFIG settings in Composite.

A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can READ (view) all the Composite RESOURCES.

A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can READ(view) and MODIFY all the Composite RESOURCES.


A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can terminate sessions, transactions, and requests, clearing caches, and even stopping or restarting the server.

A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can READ(view) the Composite DOMAINS, GROUPS and USERS.

A USER or a GROUP having this RIGHT assigned can READ(view) and MODIFY the Composite DOMAINS, GROUPS and USERS. This RIGHT gives full administrative power as it can provide RIGHTS to any RESOURCE in Composite.

This RIGHT gives the USER or GROUP the ability to UNLOCK resources (irrespective of who has actually LOCKED the resource).

Thursday, December 26, 2013

CIS Server LOG Time and Time-Zone

CIS time and timezone is dependent on the server and server timezone.
The default timezone of Composite is GMT.
If you would like to change the time zone from GMT to say like IST do the following

1. Stop the Composite Server
2. Browse to the "conf\server" folder on the server
For Eg: 
"C:\Program Files\Composite Software\CIS 6.1.0\conf\server"

3. In that you would see a file named: "server" which is an XML File.
4. Browse to the end of the file and you would see a tag like : <Set name="LogTimeZone">GMT</Set>
5. Change the above tag to IST
6. Restart the server which will reflect the new time zone (IST).

7. Additionally, if you want the same time to reflect in WebService calls then do the following
8. Login as a user which has "MODIFY_ALL_CONFIG" rights
9. In Administration Tab go to Configuration
10. Under Composite Server -> Web Services Interface -> TimeZone Base On GMT
11. Change the value from True to False

Composite Time Zone Config Parameter 

12. You shall see the changed time and timezone in Web Service Calls.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Creating a new USER in CIS (web-service)

In this training article, we shall see how to create a new user in Composite by executing the build-in Composite Web Service.

1. Login into Composite using admin credentials or a User having MODIFY_ALL_USER and ACCESS_TOOLS Rights
    (I shall post about Rights and Privileges of Composite Users in future Posts)


2. After you login the page is divided into two panels. In the left panel you can see Desktop (Work Area)
    Navigate (Double-Click) to the following path
    Composite Data Services->Web Services->system->admin->user->operations->Bunch of operations under this

3. Right click on createUser and click Open as shown
4. When createUser operation is opened, there is an Execute button icon in the second pane as shown. Click on that icon which opens up an XML Document

5.  Edit the XML Document as required. Lets say if we want to create a composite user with these credentials
Domain: composite
UserName: rajesh
Password: rajesh

The XML Document will look like this:
<user:createUser xmlns:user="http://www.compositesw.com/services/system/admin/user">

Annotation is like a comment you would like to add for this user and explicit rights are rights to assign to a user (Will post about user rights in composite at a later stage.)

Click ok and your new user is created in Composite.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Creating a USER in COMPOSITE through CIS MANAGER

In this post I am going to show you how to create a USER in Composite through Composite Manager

There are basically two ways you could create a USER in Composite.

1. Through Composite Manager
2. Executing the in-build web-service

Creating a User through Composite Manager

1. Login into Composite using admin credentials or a User having MODIFY_ALL_USER Rights
    (I shall post about Rights and Privileges of Composite Users in future Posts)

If you have just installed Composite you admin credentials would be
UserName: admin
Password  : admin

2. Launch COMPOSITE Manager (Web Option) from Composite Studio

3. It will ask you for login credentials again on the Web page. Enter the same admin credentials

4. After you LOGIN (Web) as Admin, you can see 5 Tabs namely, MONITORING, LOGGING, USERS, AUTHENTICATION, CONFIGURATION on the right side of the page. The USERS tab is the one to create users in Composite. Click on User Management in the USERS Tab as shown.

5. On the User Management Page, you can see "Add User" Icon as shown below. Click on that Icon.

6. When you click on the Add User Icon, a page will pop up as shown below,

7. Enter these Credentials (Edit them according to your requirement) 
User name: rajesh (Enter as Required)
New password:  (Type Password)
Confirm password: (Re-Type Password)
User Rights: For Now just select Developer in the DropDown Box and few of the check boxes will be       highlighted (Will Post about User Rights and Templates in later Posts but for now just select Developer in Template Drop-Down)
Annotation: Type some value. It is like Comments. So type in any information (Eg: Designation of User like Software_Engineer or System_Adminstrator Etc)

    Click OK and your new User is created in Composite.

Topics I did not cover in this post but will in future
1. Creating COMPOSITE USER in COMPOSITE Domain by executing built-in web-service (Next Post)
2. Supported Domains in COMPOSITE
3. COMPOSITE USER Rights and Templates
4. Adding LDAP Users in Composite