Sunday, March 23, 2014

Configure CIS (CISCO INFORMATION SERVER) to send E-Mails

This article would demonstrate how to configure SMTP settings in CIS.

Before you change the E-Mail configuration settings in CIS, you will have to install an SMTP server to send E-Mails. Fortunately there are many online services to create SMTP servers for us.

Follow this LINK to register for a free SMTP server account. After you register you will receive the SMTP information in your registered E-Mail.

This is the information you will have after registering for an SMTP Service.
SMTP Server:
SMTP Authentication: Enabled
SMTP Username: your turboSMTP Username (the email address you have registered with your turboSMTP account)
SMTP Password: your turboSMTP Password (you will receive your password in your E-Mail)
SMTP Port: 25 or 587 or 2525
After you setup your SMTP Server you will have to update a few config settings in CIS to configure E-Mails.
1. LOGIN to CIS with a user having ACCESS_TOOLS, READ_ALL_CONFIG and MODIFY_ALL_CONFIG rights. 
2. Click on Configuration on the Administration Tab

3. It will open up the configuration window.

4. Browse to the following configuration properties
Composite Server -> Configuration -> E-Mail

5. Enter the following in each of the configuration parameters:

From Address: Any Valid E-Mail address
SMTP Authentication Required: True (Select True Check Box)
SMTP Authentication User Name: Enter your turboSMTP Username (the email address you have registered with your turboSMTP account)
SMTP Authentication Password:  Enter your turboSMTP Password (you will receive your password in your E-Mail)
SMTP Host Name:
SMTP Port: 587

6. Now your CIS server is configured to send E-Mails. There is a CIS in-built procedure SendEMail
PATH: /lib/util/SendEMail or /lib/resource/SendResultsInEMail which can now be used to send E-Mails from within CIS.

1 comment:

Eiras said...



I have been working with CIS 7.0.2 and trying to create a REST service as data source.

I created one using GET verb and its working well.

Now i try to create one using POST verb and 2 of my parameters are expected as array of values by the service, but the options to INPUT values doesnt show any option to accomplish that. Does you guys have an idea in how to do that?
