Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Connecting to HIVE (v0.9) from CIS v6.2.6


On popular demand I am writing this post on how to connect to HIVE from Cisco Information Server.

We are going to see how to connect to HIVE v0.9 pre-configured on the cloudera vm (v4.21). I know it is an old version but it does the job. I assume you have gone through the articles in this blog and you have an initial understanding of the CIS workflow (Introspect, Model, Publish).

Also, creation of a database/table and insertion of data into the HIVE tables is not a part of this post.

I have created a database called "realty" and also created a table called "listings". Loaded data into the listings table with 6 records. Issued the select * from listings table from the HIVE prompt and could retrieve back the results. Screenshot below:

Now the next part is to start the HIVE thrift server by issuing the following command from the shell prompt:

NOTE: After the Hive Thrift Server is started you should not close the shell window on which the Thrift Server was started. When you interact with the Hive server from CIS you will get messages from the prompt about the ongoing events (Clients to Hive Thrift Server).

Now we can move to CIS to configure the data source and test the querying.

Create a datasource in CIS, selecting the (Hive 0.9.0) as the datasource adapter:

Click Next and provide the server IP Address of the Cloudera VM and give the port as 10000. Change the database name to your HIVE Metastore database (realty in my case) and hive Create and Introspect.

We can see the listings table and can add it to the CIS workspace.

Now the final step is to query the listings table in CIS:
You can do a right click on listings and hit show contents:
it will display the 6 rows in the table as below:

Now this table can be queried and views/web services can be created on top of this introspected listings table.

NOTE: If you get this error message while selecting the HIVE datasource in CIS: Time to approach the administration group of the CIS server.

The admin will configure the HIVE jdbc adapter by copying the adapter files from hadoop to the CIS server.