In this article you will learn how to Add/Query a WSDL Data-Source. Follow this LINK to create a WSDL in Oracle 11g.
The newly created WSDL is:
Let's see how to add a WSDL data source and get data from the REST data source.
1. LOGIN into Composite Studio with a user who has ACCESS_TOOLS Right.
2. Right-Click on a folder and from the drop-down list select 'New Data Source'
3. It opens up a pop-up window where you select the Data Source adapter. Select the WSDL adapter and click Next.
4. After you click Next you will have to provide the following information for the new Data Source:
Data Source Name - Provide any name you like
URL - http://localhost:8080/orawsv/TEST/GET_DESCRIPTION?wsdl
Login - test
Password - test
Hit - Create and Introspect
5. After you hit Create and Introspect a pop-up will open where you can select all the Services to Introspect
Click on GET_DESCRIPTIONservice and click Next and Introspect Task Status Report will open. Click Finish.
6. Now the web service operation is ready to be queried and can be used in Composite Views/SQL Scripts and in XSLT Transformations.
The newly created WSDL is:
Let's see how to add a WSDL data source and get data from the REST data source.
1. LOGIN into Composite Studio with a user who has ACCESS_TOOLS Right.
2. Right-Click on a folder and from the drop-down list select 'New Data Source'
3. It opens up a pop-up window where you select the Data Source adapter. Select the WSDL adapter and click Next.
4. After you click Next you will have to provide the following information for the new Data Source:
Data Source Name - Provide any name you like
URL - http://localhost:8080/orawsv/TEST/GET_DESCRIPTION?wsdl
Login - test
Password - test
Hit - Create and Introspect
5. After you hit Create and Introspect a pop-up will open where you can select all the Services to Introspect
Click on GET_DESCRIPTIONservice and click Next and Introspect Task Status Report will open. Click Finish.
6. Now the web service operation is ready to be queried and can be used in Composite Views/SQL Scripts and in XSLT Transformations.